Outfit Ideas for Sailing: What to Wear and What Not to Wear on a Boat
If you’ve never gone sailing before, it might seem a little intimidating. Do you need to wearspecial clothes? How about waterproof gear? Do you need special shoes to protect your feetfrom splinters and barnacles? The truth is that sailing isn’t quite as complicated as all that. Weall know that getting dressed for any occasion is easier said than done. There are so manyaspects of clothing to consider: color scheme, cut, accessories, etc. When it comes to dressingfor sailing, however, things aren’t quite so complex. In fact, with these tips and ideas for whatto wear on a boat when sailing you’ll be ready in no time at all!
What to Wear When SailingThe first thing to consider when choosing what to wear for sailing is the type of weather youmight encounter. That’s why it’s important to understand how to read the weather forecastand what the different weather conditions mean for clothing.
Hot - On these occasions, you should wear light fabrics like linen...