Travel Tips: Hurricane Preparedness for the 2018 Season
Travel Tips: Hurricane Preparedness for the 2018 SeasonWill you be traveling to Bradenton, FL during hurricane season? Hurricane season runs through the end of November, so if you are planning to vacation here during the next few months, here are some hurricane preparedness tips to keep in mind.Make sure you have travel insurance.If you don’t typically have travel insurance, it’s a vital part of hurricane preparedness when you’re vacationing to Bradenton this summer. Travel insurance is great because most plans will cover the cancellation or delay of your trip, lost baggage, flight insurance, medical coverage and most other trip interruptions. Consult your travel insurance company to see if they have hurricane travel insurance as well.Be mindful of the local weather reports.When you’re days out from your vacation to Bradenton, FL, make sure that you’re being mindful of the local weather reports so that you can be aware of any approaching storms. Weather apps and local news sites can be very helpful...